The following contains a selection of simple muscle-exercises geared for the broad muscular basis of the entire body, as needed for golf. All selected exercises can be practiced in the comfort of your home.

A noticeable improvement can be observed after about 6-8 weeks, when repeated 2-3 times a week. A continuous exercise is key: tests have shown that an intermission of only 20 days causes a loss of about 30% of the muscle-strength gained in previous exercises. We recommend 2 sets of each exercise with 10 repetitions.

Exercise 1:

Basic position: Lay down flat on your back, both knees angled and arms across the chest. Now push the bottom up, creating a perfect line between knee and shoulder. Hold this position for 3 seconds.


Exercise 2: “Beatle”

Basic position: Lay down flat on your back. Extend the left arm backwards and the right leg diagonally. Angle left leg. Now raise the right leg, the torso with the left arm and catch hold of the angled left leg with the right hand. Alternate.


Exercise 3: “Stretching Grasshopper”

Basic position: Lay down flat on your belly (if necessary, place a small pillow under), belly and bottom should be tense. Extend arms over your head, holding the golf-club in both hands. Now raise torso and arms and alternately look right and left under the arms, consequently rotating the upper body.


Exercise 4: “Quadruped Drive”

Basic position: Kneel down, fixating the exercise-band beneath your left knee. The right arm pulls the exercise-band up and sideways while the eyes follow the movement.

Return to basic position and repeat 10 times, alternate.


Exercise 5: “Straddled Drive”

Basic position: Straddled stand. Shift weight on to the left leg, distinctively bending the leg.

Right leg remains extended and fixates the end of the exercise band. Now pull the band with the left hand in a striking motion toward up and behind, thus stretching arm and torso.

Repeat and alternate.


Exercise 6: “Drive On Shaky Ground”

Basic position: Straddled stand with a golf-club on a flexible ground (pillow, coiled up blanked or folded exercise-mat). Complete a drive, keeping in balance throughout the exercise.