Brandie Debusk
Native of Tucson, Arizona, Brandie is our Surgery Scheduler. Should you be recommended to have surgery, Brandie will be your liason with the hospitals, anesthesiology, and your insurance. After you have been scheduled for surgery, the hospitals will contact you directly to coordinate all preoperative tests at her direction. For those traveling in from out of town, Brandie can also assist with hotel recommendations along with what airlines service Tucson.
Sue Weekley, RNFA
Native of Jefferson, Iowa, Sue is our clinical nurse and surgical first assistantant. Sue brings a wealth of clinical nursing experience to the table. She has been working as a flight nurse for 23 years and has an extensive background in criticial nursing care of surgcal patients. Following her career as a flight nurse, she worked in the operating room on the heart team at University Medical Center in Tucson for 10 years until she joined Dr. Lewandrowski at the Center for Advanced Spinal Surgery of Southern Arizona.
Sue will assist you throughout the entire clinical process at the office, surgery center, and hospital. She is responsible for preparing patient intake information. She will take your vital signs during your visit, and will assist in history taking, physical examinations, small in-office procedures, and last but not least with your surgery. This comprehensive clinical work up and surgical treatment process between office, surgery center and hospital is integral to making sure that you will not only meet familiar faces in all places, but assures continued flow of clinical information to make your overall experience during your surgical treatment period more satisfying.
Sue is also in charge of following patients postoperatively, along with Dr. Lewandrowski. You should expect a phone call from Sue within 24 hours of your discharge from the hospital or surgery center, and prior to your first follow-up visit in the office two weeks after your surgery. You should address any clinical, and non-clinical questions as well as request for prescription refills to both Sue and Dr. Lewandrowski.